More about the Library and Knowledge Service

If you have any enquiries or comments, please contact us.


Library strategy


We are participating in and working towards the NHS Health Education England “Knowledge for Healthcare” development framework for NHS library and knowledge services in England 2015 – 2020. See the document here





We carry out regular surveys to see how much impact our service has had on our Users and our Trust

Impact survey results 2010

Impact survey results 2015

Impact survey results 2016

Impact survey results 2017

Impact survey results 2018

Requests impact survey 2015

Literature search impact survey 2016

Literature search impact survey 2017

Literature search impact survey 2018

A Million Decisions campaign


User experience

We carry out surveys to see how the space in our libraries is being used

User experience Report 2018



Marketing Diary 2015-2016

Marketing Diary 2016-2017.compressed.pdf-, attachment

Outline Marketing plan 2017 – 2018


Service standards

We want to provide the best possible service for our library users.  The service standards describe what we need to do, how we are going to achieve our aims and measure our success.


Service standards annual review 2015-16

Service Standards annual review 2016-17



Resources – updated July 16


Enquiries and info searches 2015-6
