The Happiness Trap


“The more we try to avoid the basic reality that all human life involves pain, the more we are likely to struggle with that pain when it arises, thereby creating even more suffering.”

Are you, like milllions of Americans, caught in the happiness trap? Russ Harris explains that the way most of us go about trying to find happiness ends up making us miserable, driving the epidemics of stress, anxiety, and depression. This empowering book presents  the insights and techniques of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) a revolutionary new psychotherapy based on cutting-edge research in behavioral psychology. By clarifying your values and developing mindfulness (a technique for living fully in the present moment), ACT helps you escape the happiness trap and find true satisfaction in life.

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Comments from other readers:


“The Happiness Trap is a book much loved by all of us in Staff Psychology, and many of the clients we work with.  It covers the main principles of our Resilience Training – encouraging us to become more mindful, and helping us to reconnect with a sense of purpose in life – something that makes us want to get up in the morning.  The book also helps us to understand that negative thoughts, feelings and emotions are quite normal, but has some great ways of allowing us to step back from them so that they do not take over our lives. Highly recommended.”



“Very helpful on learning different methods on how to deal with anxiety.”

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Filed Under Uncategorized Posted by devcore on 26 January 2021