Who we are

We all work Trust-wide so you may see us at any of the 4 main sites.


Jackie McGuire is the Library & Knowledge Services Manager/Head of Clinical Guidelines, based at North Tyneside General Hospital.

Phone number 0191 2932761

E-mail address : Jackie.McGuire@northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk

Jenny Richardson is a Librarian, also  based at NTGH. Email : Jenny.Richardson@northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk

Sarah Abernethy is the Deputy Library Services Manager – based at Wansbeck Hospital.

Phone number: 01670 529665


Gillian photo 2

Gillian Robinson is the Librarian and Facilities Manager at Hexham General Hospital. (Part-time usually Wed – Fri) Phone number 01434 655420 Email address gillian.robinson2@northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk   




Vasanthi Elder is the Librarian at NSECH

Email address: Vasanthi.Elder@northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk 

Angela Scott  is the Library Assistant, based at Wansbeck (Mon – Wed) Phone number 01670 529665


 and Andrea Summersby is the part-time Library Assistant at North Tyneside ( Wed – Fri) Phone number 0191 2932761






We recently welcomed new library assistants to the team.

Ian Simpson is based at North Tyneside
Eunice Cuthbertson , who is part-time at Wansbeck ( Thurs & Friday)  
Alison Heywood-Hill , who is part-time at Hexham ( Monday – Wednesday)