
Online resources

DASH– Dinwoodie Assessment and Simulation Hub is based within Wansbeck General Hospital and provides simulation-based training and education.

Health Education England’s Simulation –  resources and standards for enhancing core medical training 

Simulation Centre’s North East

ASPiH – Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare

Healthy Simulation – resources and honest advice to those developing or operating a healthcare simulation program

SimGHOSTS  – supporting individuals and institutions operating medical simulation technology and spaces

SSH – Society for Simulation in Healthcare.  Seeks to improve performance and reduce errors in patient care through the use of simulation

Introduction to Simulation Education in Healthcare – a short MOOC from edX


To access the journals below as well as many others go to Browzine and log in with your NHS Athens username and password.

Advances in Simulation

BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning


If you are looking for an article but you can’t find the full text online, fill in this request form, and we will obtain a copy of the article for you (there may be a charge for this service).



Click here to see a selection of the books about simulation in the Trust’s libraries.


We have recently purchased a collection of Oxford e-books.  You will need an NHS Athens account.


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Education and research