Patients and carers

Patients and carers are welcome to join the Trust Library Service.  You may borrow up to 4 books for up to 4 weeks – just ask in the libraries for details. We have specific Books for Carers as well as a range of health & well-being  biographies and literature books that may interest you.

Self help books

All the libraries have self help books on varying topics including  relationships, mental wellbeing, resilience and mindfulness. As well as books to help you overcome common problems, such as eating disorders and anxiety.

Books on Prescription

The libraries stock many of the books from the Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme.  Find more information here

Quick Reads

All the libraries have a selection of Quick Reads – these are books by some big name authors that are designed to be shorter and easier to read for adults who are less confident in their reading skills.

Mood boosting books   

A good book can give a real boost to the way you feel.  Borrow one of these books from your local Trust Library, and see how your mood improves when you read it.

Patient information

You can search for and download patient information leaflets from Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Please note if you require assistance with accessibility you will need to open the Recite tool on the top left of the screen before opening the information leaflet.

Audio Books – a number of audio books are available to listen on BBC Sounds