How to…

Sign up for KnowledgeShare, our targeted current awareness service. Whenever we find high impact publications in your area, we’ll let you know.


Useful awareness resources include:

“What’s New” in UpToDate 

Health Management And Policy Alert – a blog from the Kings Fund, which highlights important documents.


We also link to current awareness bulletins on various subjects:


You may also be interested in :

The MDTea podcasts which are a free open access series of podcasts for all healthcare professionals working with older adults.

Click on the links to access mdtea series 1  and mdtea series 2 and mdtea series 3

The National Elf Service

Recent publications from the Royal Colleges and Health Professional Publications

If your department/team would like us to produce a regular current awareness bulletin on your subject(s), please contact us.

You might be interested in the Hexham Grand Round Meetings – weekly presentations held in the Education Centre at Hexham General Hospital on a range of subjects.