Summer Reading Challenge

Read and review any 5 of our fiction and well-being books


Everyone who completes the challenge will receive a bag or mug as well as

being entered into a prize draw to win a book voucher


The prize draw to be held at the end of  September



To get you off to a great start all the libraries have collections of recent fiction, quick reads, biographies and mood boosting books.  Our collection of Wellcome Book Prize titles includes some fabulous books which engage with some aspect of medicine, health or illness.


And we also have Book Club each month.  Please do join in with that, at the monthly reading groups in the libraries, on Facebook, or with your own local reading group


We also have books to swap.


Call in to your local Trust library to register for the challenge or email






Comments from previous Challenge completers:


Taking time out to just sit and read: not watching TV, being transported to a different world. I read a couple of books on my bucket list and its very satisfying. I haven’t read for years so it’s nice to get back to it and read for pleasure”


“I normally like to watch movies rather than read. However reading opens up your imagination, leaving endless possibilities of ‘who done it’ ‘what will happen next’, what the characters will look like. I have found that I much prefer reading rather than watching after spoiling 2 movies. I now make time weekly to read and found that I really enjoy it more than ever before”